
Composition was the topic of discussion on Tuesdays class and is something crucial to think about when creating a work of art. I learned that composition is made up and organized by elements and principals, and because these make up a composition many of my professors give this one helpful trick for identifying such components. The advice they all share is to squint your eyes at the work which I found really helps minimize detail and allow for you to focus on just the elements and principals.
The rule of thirds and the golden ratio are two organizational methods that were briefly touched on in class. I have previously learned of the golden ratio in my contemporary math class last year, helping me understand the relationship between math and art and of the way proportion is in nature and in the real world. The rule of thirds, however, is relatively new to me--though once examples of work were shown in class of how artists use this system, it became more apparent to me. I have yet to use either methods in my work, though it is something I would like to try.
